Saturday, January 10, 2009

Falling Off the Wagon

So on the 9th day of my no meat challenge I was at an interview in Florida. I was going strong, I had fish the night before, which was allowed under the rules of my pescatarian diet. However, at the next days lunch, there was a tray of sandwiches, all of which had a ton of meat on them. Rather than look like a sissy, I ate the sandwiches. Amazingly, I became more enthusiastic with each bite, and by the afternoon I felt more healthy. This brings me to the conclusion that a little lean meat might be good for me. In my quest for longevity, perhaps if I just exercise more, drink less, and keep my body out of harms way, I'll be a winner. As aside, I was given the Office Season 4 on DVD for Christmas. This is excellent because I was unable to see most of the episodes that season with school etc. The Office is the kind of show that you either love or haven't seen yet. If you've seen the Office and still don't like it, I'm going to take a shot in the dark and say that you are just not funny. Sometimes I lay awake at night pondering the eternal question, Karen or Pam?


  1. i <3 meat. so good for you.. i'm trying out a low gluten diet. although of course my diet naturally doesnt have a lot of gluten in it, i'm cutting down on my intake of breads and pastas that arent gluten free. but i do make the exception for some just to get a good healthy fiber intake of whole wheats and flaxseed in form of mini muffins baked without any fats.. so.. i should send you a recipe if you can find time or girl to make them for you... ;)

  2. I think most of the vegan religion (yes I said religion) stems from the fact that people refuse to accept that humans are in fact animals. Be it God or evolution we were designed to kill things and eat them.

    We can not simply wake up one day and decide that our bodies no longer need something that they have been designed to use to stay healthy.

    It's like deciding your car will run on grass clippings. You can believe as hard as you like and philosophize until Buddha decides to take a smoke break. Your car isn't going to run.

    Don't get me wrong. I think people need to think more about what they eat - where it comes from - how the animal was treated by Col. Sanders.

    But in the end, we were designed to enjoy things with faces.
