Wednesday, March 4, 2009

This Person Should Be Excluded From The Stimulus Money

"This is an emergency, if I would have known they didn't have McNuggets, I wouldn't have given my money, and now she wants to give me a McDouble, but I don't want one, this is an emergency!"

This person was arrested for misusing 911. This is a serious crime. Operators for 911 should be spending their time moderating actual emergencies but, sadly, the majority of 911 calls are for non-emergent matters. I saw on TV the story of one woman who called 911 so that the firefighters would take out her trash. These stories sound isolated, but our 911 system is
overburdened with this crap. People complain we need new improved 911 servies or we need more money. No, we don't. What we need, is to cut the bullshit. If this woman and every person who abused 911 was executed in public. The number of frivalous calls would drop and the system would begin to work in a timely way again. Your cat will get out of the tree on its own.

What really grinds my gears about this is that, this person who called over a dispute at McDonalds is a liability to society and has a negative value. We stand only to lose by having her alive. The fact that she is arrested over this means more money down the drain. If an actual emergency happened such as a drive by shooting at her place, we all would have been better off.
Think about that the next time you vote to increase your tax liability to support her and the mess she creates.

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