Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Life Imitating Film: Case Study of "He's Just Not That Into You"

So this Valentine's day weekend I went to see the recently released, "He's Just Not That Into You," based on the book by that funny looking guy with the blond hair that had a really shitty daytime talk show named Greg. I was hoping that I would enjoy seeing these women embarrass themselves in the fictional world of late 20s single-dom. Aside this movie is truly something novel to me (in Kansas City there is no such thing as being over 22 and single, everyone has to get married by law I think, because I don't know any singles older than I am.) Anyways, it seemed implausible that women could be as lame as the main character in the movie. There are truly embarrassing moments during which I pulled my fleece over my head to hide. If you've seen it you know what I mean. And then, I met someone who struck me like she could be that awkward.

Yesterday I went to Starbucks for a "medium coffee," my usual, and decided to chat with the barista while my receipt was printing. They recently extended their hours from 10 to midnight, which, in this era of Starbucks closures, state employee furloughs, and business hour cutbucks, struck me as odd. So I asked...

"How are the new late hours going?"
"Oh great, I close, so I get to clean the parking lot...and more hours for me."
"I see, I guess, are people coming in that late, they just closed another store less than a mile from here."
"Oh yeah, we're a high traffic store I guess. I'm sorry we have to brew a new batch so your coffee will be a while."

I found a table, opened my laptop, made a snazzy playlist that included TI + JT's Dead and Gone. Open a book and then I'm startled.

"Oh my God I am so SORRY!"
"Your coffee took so long!"
"I kinda expected it since you told me you had to brew a new batch."
"Yeah but that was like really long, what's your name, my name is *bleep*, do you want a pastry, I can give you a card to get something free next time, would you like something else, how about if you come in again anytime I can give you something free."
"It's ok, thank you for bringing the coffee to my table though."

She was totally flustered. Very nice but, truly, she came off very crazy. Imagine if this had been us out at a club. Cute girl, but she was embarrassing me. just like the movie.


  1. wow.... thats pretty interesting. i havent seen the movie yet, i'm sure i'll be checking it out soon. but i have read the book. i enjoyed the book.. personally i think that if a girl/guy has not learned the basic rules of the game they'll get their heart hurt a bit, but they end up building up and hopefully finding the true love..

    that being said. wow. she offered you a free pastry and you didnt take it??! i hope you go back, it seems as though she was really 'friendly' if she was cute the better. making cute friends isnt a bad thing. as far as coffee goes, i drink a 'small' or aka 'tall' just because in coffee i want it to stay warm/hot as long as possible, the grande just is too much. but thats a personal preference.. 0o0o have you had a double shot of espresso? its my fav.

  2. I groaned out loud at least 14 times while watching that movie, but I did love Scarlett's line about the married guy's ass.


  3. tim here. I'm with ispeakfood too, take the free pastry man, Gregory House would. "if you hold the head steady, I'mma milk the cow" I believe is the line, although it might not be referring to friendly baristas. You listen to T.I., so you'd probably know better than I.
