Sunday, January 25, 2009

Live From New York: Part 2 of 3

So my first night in New York I took a cab to the interview dinner at Old Homestead’s. Cabs in New York have a TV in the back that always starts with a clip of Regis and Kelly talking about how fun cabs are to ride now that you can watch a TV that gives you the weather and news. Talk about acting, I don’t think Regis has taken a cab since before I was born. Anyways, dinner was superb. Everyone had Caesar salad, calamari, filet minion, chocolate cake, and overflowing glasses of wine. We spent 3.5 hours eating and drinking before we migrated to a bar in the meat packing district. In contrast to Miami, ladies were not a plenty. What I learned though, was that there are people everywhere and getting around is extremely convenient.
I got back to my hotel around 1am and decided that, although I had more than enough to eat at 7pm, that it was time to see if the city truly never sleeps. I got dressed again, went outside, and within a block of my hotel were a couple of girls that may have been out, or may have been working, wasn’t sure. But all the pizza and sandwich places I walked by earlier were closed. I made a call on my cell phone to an intermediate New York visitor who suggested I could possibly get mugged. I managed to find a deli next door to my hotel and got a bagel with lox, and cream cheese. So I guess that not every shop or street is bumping 24/7 in NYC, but, if you know where to go you can get almost anything. Still won’t ride the subway until part three. I have no idea what to say tomorrow when lifelong New Yorkers ask me how I like Kansas City. Thankfully, they don’t judge, I tell them it’s ok, but, they know they should only take my word for it. Never vacation in Missouri.
I woke up at 4am, completely dehydrated, the tap water here looks like watered down milk, so I do the unthinkable and grab a $7 bottle of water from the mini-bar, but it so was worth it. I haven't been disappointed or scared or accosted yet, but it is coming.


  1. I remember my first trip to NYC pretty clearly. Got to see a guy smoking dope about 5 feet away from a cop. Saw a homeless guy, and then a hour later saw his body being loaded up and carted away. Saw Steven Spielberg, saw Phantom of the Opera, found out that New Yorkers only consider a car parked after they have slammed up against the bumpers in front of and in back of their car. I also found out that cabbies have no regard for human life, yours or theirs, and that overall - I still prefer almost everywhere else.

  2. yes, they don't tell you that when you get to nyc that you need to know where its open 24/7. but at least you got a good bagel *i hope. nyc water is interesting, the tap water is suppose to be the cleanest because it comes from an aqueduct, not sure how much of that water is pure from the drain now, but that's why nyc pizza and bagels are better than anywhere else.. try to head over to brooklyn for some pizza. get on the subway, keep your eyes open, you'll be entertained.

    i wish i was there with you, we could eat up a storm. but burn it off while looking for the next place to eat.

    dont forget to go to schillers! lower east side... thats some fun times. ;)
